Monday, January 16, 2012

On Display

The Mocko Jumbie art I painted was made in to a print and will be apart of Ficus Suite wall art at the Buccaneer Hotel. I am so excited! This is so surreal.

Friday, January 13, 2012

A Moment in Time


This is a commission painting that I did for a Art Collector. Here is what she had to say.  I am truly Blessed.

Good Morning Diane,
 I just wanted to let you know the painting made it here, safe and sound. I had Jim open it, and I wish I would have thought to get a video of the moment, it was priceless! He was absolutely speechless!! He was even more thrilled to see that you had painted it! Thank you so much! You created a very special painting that captured one of our most special moments in life, perfectly. You have a true gift.
Thank you again, and God bless!!